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Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.
Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.

Northeastern defensive tower

Just like the other angular towers of Abritus, the northeastern was a fan-shaped one. It has been partially unearthed since a modern asphalt road passes over its ruins. The sides of the tower must have been (like the other angular towers) a continuation of the northern and eastern fortress walls. The arched front of the tower has been unearthed and explored. The dado there consisted of three lines of processed rusticated stone blocks with rectangular faces. They were pressed tightly to each other and were connected with iron braces welded with lead. The thickness of the wall at the face of the tower was 2.40 m. The height structure was identical to the one of the entire Late Antiquity fortress. The technique used was opus implectum: the two faces (internal and external) were made of finely shaped stone quadrae soldered with white mortar and the inside of the wall was filled with stone rubble also soldered with white mortar.