It was located immediately to the west of building VII (the building with the peristyle yard) – 3 m away from it. There was an open passage between the two buildings, not a street. Building X was in the east – west direction and had an entrance to the western side. Its northern side was 19.90 m long and 22.90 long together with an apse that was constructed later at the eastern side. The southern wall was 16.30 m long and the eastern one – 16.80 m. The walls were constructed with the opus mixtum technique where stone and brick masonry alternated (the last one containing three bricks in a belt). They were soldered with white mortar with admixtures of red and yellow brick. Four construction periods are visible in the construction process of the building dating back to the 4th – 5th century. Ten premises were constructed. The building was approached from the west through a 1.60 m wide entrance which led to the other premises. The flooring of 4 of them was made of limestone tiles. At a later period a semi-circular apse was constructed in the farthest northeastern premise. During the last period of habitation of the building a small rectangular room sized 2 by 2 m was constructed above the apse. There was a rectangular room sized 2.20 m (west – east) by 1.23 m (north – south) at the southeastern angle of the building and from the eastern wall of it started a masonry channel. That room was probably a latrine (toilet). Two of the premises in the southern part of the building were equipped with hypocaust (heating installation). The prefurnium (furnace) was located in a lower side-room. Heated air flew below the floor of the two neighboring rooms through enclosed brick openings (channels). The floor was supported by stacks of square bricks and was constructed of brick or marble tiles. At a later stage a rectangular room sized 2.90 m (east – west) by 6.80 m (north – south) was constructed and adjoined to the building from the west. Its structure of rough stone and mud solution was significantly different from the careful manner of construction of the main premises of the building. Building X was probably initially used as a bathroom, not as a residential building. Later, with the construction of an apse in its eastern end, it probably started functioning as a Christian temple – basilica. The limestone block with a red-colored cross hewn into its front side that was found here supports that assumption.