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Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.
Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.

Abritus Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological museum is located within the territory of Abritus National Archaeological Reserve, at 70 “Aprilsko Vastanie” Blvd. The administration section is housed in the premises.

“Ancient traces” is a permanent exposition, which presents the unique archaeological cultural riches, which belong to the earliest documented era in the Ludogorie – the Late Paleolithic, Ancient and Medieval periods.

Two lapidaries are exhibited outside in the museum’s park. The monuments are divided into three groups: dedicatory, tombstone, architectural. The majority date back to the Roman Empire, 2nd-3rd centuries AD, and were discovered in the Late Antiquity Roman city of Abritus. The rest are tombstone and architectural monuments of the Late Middle Ages, 18th-19th centuries, with Christian, Muslim and Armenian inscriptions. Epigraphic monuments reveal the ethnic and religious diversity of the region’s population.