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Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.
Work Time 9 AM - 5 PM
Razgrad, 70 "Aprilsko vastanie" Blvd.

Itinerary № 4 – for people with disabilities

The starting point is the Reception and Information Center (№ 1 in the legend), then visitors move to the Interactive Museum (№ 14). At level one of the Museum there is a wheelchair ramp for transfer from the first hall to the others and a lift to the second floor that hosts interesting exhibition devoted to life in Abritus.

There are two ways to reach the area where the archeological sites are presented – through the wheelchair facility at level two to the southern side of the building or by exiting the building and moving along the wheelchair path to the building with the peristyle yard (№ 16). Visitors can take a detailed look at the building with the peristyle yard and a partial look at building X (№ 19) and building VIII (№ 17), then the itinerary leads them to an area with game elements (№ 10) and to the newly-arranged lapidarium (№ 9). Taking back the tile-covered path visitors can enter Abritus Museum and enjoy the archeological exhibition where the itinerary ends.

This is a limited itinerary but it has been developed for people with disabilities, who use wheelchairs, other visitors can use other itineraries since all paths are newly-constructed.

People with more serious disabilities are presented with one more tour option – from the Reception and Information Center to tower №1 or to the eastern gate.