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A fruitful working meeting was held by the directors of the Regional History Museum in Razgrad Tanya Todorova and the Museum of the Renaissance “Ilarion Makariopolski” in the town of Elena Svetoslav Petrov.

The meeting took place in the comfort of a Renaissance house – part of the objects of the museum in the beautiful old mountain town. The chairmen of the trade union organizations in both institutions – Prof. Rositsa Angelova PhD and Elena Radneva – also participated in the discussions on opportunities for cooperation, exchange of experience and joint projects.

The several hours of conversations proved to be extremely fruitful.

The exchange of two exhibitions has already been agreed and their exact dates will be specified further. Again the expertise of specialists in ethnography and archeology will be used on a long-term basis.

The beginning of the cooperation is to be concluded with a special contract.

The working meeting ended with an exchange of promotional materials and a walk through the museum in Elena, including the unique dug-out church “St. Nikola”, in whose vestibule history and modern technologies meet – old printed and handwritten books are exhibited in specialized sealed display cases with a generator to maintain constant humidity and temperature.