Another recognition for sustainable good practices of cooperation was received by the Regional History Museum from the Student Center for Technical and Scientific Creativity in Razgrad. Tsvetanka Ruseva – director of SCTSC, presented a certificate and the Center’s Special Award from the Twelfth National Student Journalism Competition “Grigor Popov” to Tanya Todorova, director of RHM – Razgrad.
“The occasion is specific, but it is yet another expression of a sustainable partnership between us and the museum in conducting the competition”, Tsvetanka Ruseva motivates the awards. And this year, on March 29, the host of the official award ceremony for the winners of the creative competition was Grigor Popov’s birthplace – the house and museum “Stanka and Nikola Ikonomovi” and according to a well-established tradition, the museum presented its Special Award to one of the distinguished participants.
Tsvetanka Ruseva wished that these warm relations would continue and develop into common projects between the museum specialists and the teachers and experts at the SCTSC.
“We accept the award with gratitude that you appreciate our efforts to reach children in kindergartens, primary schools, high schools and personal development centers and with new, more modern and attractive ways and means to tell and show them how our ancestors lived. We cannot help but be pleased by the fact that at the local level, people involved in education and culture are aware of their responsibility not only to preserve the tangible and intangible cultural-historical heritage, but also to pass this memory on to children, with the hope that they to pass it on to their heirs. This is the current emphasis, the meaning of our joint work. It’s worth it.”, said Tanya Todorova.

The meeting continued with the detailing of future common initiatives: the inclusion of the museum in the program of the children involved in the upcoming next “Eco Summer”, organized by the Student Center for Technical and Scientific Creativity and the Municipality of Razgrad and vice versa – participation of the children from the Center in the events for the International museum day in the month of May on the territory of the ancient Abritus and the house museums “Stanka and Nikola Ikonomovi”, “Ananie Yavashov” and the Ethnographic Museum. The children from SCTSC already have an invitation from the museum specialists to be part of the creative workshops for making objects and souvenirs for various occasions, the closest of which are related to the customs and rituals of Palm Sunday and Easter. This collaboration may also occur during the museum’s “A Day at Abritus” summer education program.

At the beginning of the week, the museum received special thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science through the head of the RAO – Razgrad, Angel Petkov, for the “A living museum of the traps” organized at the end of March – part of the program of the three-day regional forum for the exchange of good practices between schools. “Me, you and others and the unknown in the known – innovations for positive change in education”.
Again in March, the program of students from four cities in the country, participants in another module of the National Program “Innovations in Action” hosted by NPTS “Sandor Petiofi”, included a visit to the sites of the Regional History Museum on the territory of ancient Abritus.

As extremely good practice is accepted the newly launched initiative museum specialists to visit children in kindergartens and there in a familiar environment to them, to include them in creative workshops.
For two years in a row, during the summer, students from the tourism class at PGI “Rober Shuman” have been interns in the museum.
The museum also responds to every invitation from the schools in the city. The last letter of thanks for empathy is from the director of the Professional High School for Transport and Construction “Hristo Smirnenski”, Eng. Dimitrichka Angelova, for the support provided in the holding of the regional round of the national competition “Best Auto Mechanic and Motor Vehicle Driver”. This is also a good example of the long-standing cooperation between the two institutions.