The exhibition “Locked in Time” was opened today in the Interactive Museum in Razgrad.
It is part of the rich two-day program of the Regional History Museum on the occasion of the International Day of Museums and the 40th anniversary of the “Abritus” Archaeological Reserve.

“Our idea is, in a more unconventional way, to celebrate the anniversary of the reserve, to show for the first time truly “locked in time” until today movable cultural values found here and to encourage our young colleagues in their research work in the museum. Among them are the archaeologist Silvia Anastasova – author of the exhibition, and the designer Mihail Marinov, who designed the boards and arranged the exhibits”, said the director of the museum Tanya Todorova at the opening.

“We present massive door keys and padlocks with a complex mechanism and craftsmanship, keys and key rings intended for chests and caskets, lock fittings, keys with human images, as well as with images of deities”, said Silvia Anastasova about the exhibition.

And in order for everyone to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of an interactive museum, she invited anyone who wanted to try to unlock a chest made especially for the exhibition, locked with a padlock puzzle. After several unsuccessful attempts by the guests, Silvia Anastasova herself unlocked the chest full of “yolks”.

The first of the events today and tomorrow at the Regional History Museum was attended by Deputy Mayor Elka Nedelcheva, Deputy Regional Governor Nadia Yordanova, Deputy Rector of Shumen University Prof. Dr. Konstantin Konstantinov, participants in the first doctoral and postdoctoral readings, also part of the holiday program, and many citizens.
You can see more photos on the Facebook page of RHM – Razgrad: